

  1. a) First Year
THEORY EXAMINATION: Each Subject carries 80 marks with examination of 3 hours duration, along with 20 marks for internal evaluation. (Sessional marks). However, there are no minimum marks prescribed for sessionals. PRACTICAL EXAMINATION: There shall be 40 Marks for regular practical work done, i.e. sessional marks for each practical subject with an end examination of 3 hours duration carrying 60 marks. However, there are no minimum marks prescribed for sessionals.
  1. b) III, IV, V, VI and VII Semesters:
THEORY EXAMINATION: Each subject carries usually 80 marks in respect of specified subjects of 3hours duration, along with 20 marks for internal evaluation (sessional marks) respectively. PRACTICAL EXAMINATION: Each subject carry 60/30 marks of 3hours duration 40/20 sessional marks. In case of Diploma courses having Industrial Training, the training assessment shall be done and the marks are to be awarded in the following manner. Industrial assessment: 200 marks (in two spells of 100 marks each) Maintenance of log book: 30 marks Record Work: 30 marks Seminar / viva- voice: 40 marks

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TOTAL: 300 marks .

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The assessment at the institution level (Seminar/Viva-voce) shall be done by three members, viz., Internal Faculty member, External Examiner and Head of Section and be averaged.